Hi Inder,


Got error while checking out:


     [echo] Checking Out Project from SVN = TRAX_FCS

      [svn] <Checkout> started ...

      [svn] This application has halted due to an unexpected error.

[svn] A crash report and minidump file were saved to disk, you can find them here:

      [svn] C:\Windows\svn-crash-log20160302143040.log

      [svn] C:\Windows\svn-crash-log20160302143040.dmp

[svn] Please send the log file to users@subversion.apache.org to help us analyze

      [svn] and solve this problem.

[svn] NOTE: The crash report and minidump files can contain some sensitive information

[svn] (filenames, partial file content, usernames and passwords etc.)

      [svn] <Checkout> failed !

Attached is the DMP and the LOG files.

Turtoise SVN Version Info:


TortoiseSVN 1.8.11, Build 26392 - 64 Bit , 2015/03/19 18:50:20

Subversion 1.8.13, -release

apr 1.5.1

apr-util 1.5.4

serf 1.3.8

OpenSSL 1.0.2a 19 Mar 2015

zlib 1.2.8




While you provide the TSVN details here, your log states you were using SilkSVN 1.8.9. Since that version is quite old, I suggest you upgrade to the latest 1.8 version (SilkSVN 1.8.15) and test whether that resolved the crash you have.

Stefan Hett

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