[ Sorry, hit 'send' by accident. ]

Daniel Shahaf wrote on Mon, 05 Jun 2017 21:08 +0000:
> What you need to run is:
> ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make svn-mergeinfo-normalizer
> You do need APR libraries for that.  (Install the 'apr-dev' package.)
> The Makefile you were looking for would be this:
>     cc -o svn-mergeinfo-normalizer -I ${prefix}/include/apr-1.0/ -I 
> ${prefix}/include/subversion-1/ -L /usr/lib -Wall 
> -lsvn_{client,wc,ra,delta,diff,subr}-1 -lapr-1  *.c -I 
> ${svnbuildtree}/subversion -I ${svnsrctree}/subversion/include/ && 
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${prefix}/lib ./svn-mergeinfo-normalizer --help 
> ... but this command requires ${svnbuildtree} to be to a directory you ran 
> configure in.  

s/to be to/to be pointed to/.  That -I${svnbuildtree} directive is
  required in order to find svn_config_private.h.

The recommended/supported way is the first one: to install the apr-dev packages 
and run configure.


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