On Wed, 15 Nov 2017 08:55:27 -0500, Nico Kadel-Garcia
<nka...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I think you're going to hurt yourself if you try to assemble cvs2svn
>from scratch with individual components, installed separately and
>built into a Windows environment. I *urge* you to save yourself a lot
>of work and use 64-bit CygWin in a Windows environment, which can
>contain up-to-date python, up-to-date command line Subversion tools
>and a server, and a more reliably consistent scripting environment.
>> Oh! That brings up yet another point:
>> On Windows Server 2016 it seems like Microsoft has included their web
>> server (IIS), but I think that Apache is needed for SVN.
>> How can one deal with that?
>> Or is SVN a server all by itself?
>You've a set of options, very well documented in the "Red Book" at
>http://svnbook.red-bean.com/. Apache, or httpd as version 2.x is
>called, with mod_svn, is a common approach and well supported. Apache
>can run alongside IIS, or IIS ignored, as long as they do not run on
>the same network ports. There is also "svnserve", the built-in server,
>though it's not perhaps as flexible as httpd nor built into port 443
>firewalls as commonly HTTPS is commonly supported. And there is also
>"svn+ssh", which allows an SSH daemon with tuned credentials to allow
>"svnserve" local access. I personally find svn+ssh more secure for
>various reasons, especially because the Subversion command line tool
>stores httpd credentials in plain text in a user's home directory, by
>default, but folks on this list have previously expressed their
>irritation at me for bringing that up.

I guess that VisualSVN server installation can deal with that?
It will be a server side issue anyway, not really affecting he CVS
data migration.
I googled svn port and found that it uses 3690, so that would not
interfere with http port 80, I guess.

>I'd encourage you to use the simplest, most integrated tools you can
>find for the server, and spend your development time on activating
>time on reliable backup, and your user education time on getting users
>accustomed to the new workflow.

Well, what I had in mind was this:
Server installation
I would use VisualSVN since that seems to be a complete package (not
so many alternatives around for Windows really).
This would be done on the new Windows 2016 server.

CVS(NT) migration
I thought I could do that on my Windows 7 X64 PC by using a copy of
the actual repository files and using cvs2svn as the tool.
I already have ActiveState Python 2.7.1 installed.
So I would create one dump file per CVS repository and then later
import those into the SVN server.

Now I have read up a lot on the svn help pages and found that I need
to use the config file option for cvs2svn in order to specify all the
different modules in the CVS repositories I need to convert.
It also seems like in order to include the authors of all the
revisions of the files I really need the option file so I can map the
CVS users to the svn users. And I also need the --use-cvs option.

But unfortunately that brought me to a full stop becuase when I looked
inside the config file example it turned out that the command line
options I had imagined would be listed really are not there, the
config file uses completely different options it looks like (or at
least different syntax for the same options)...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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