First thing: I'm staring at, and it says right htere:

* CVSNT repositories

* cvs2svn does not support conversion of CVSNT repositories. Some
people have indicated success with such conversions, while others have
had problems. In other words, such conversions, even if apparently
successful, should be checked carefully before use. See the FAQ for
more information.

I admit I'd not been working from CVSNT when I did these. You may wind
up with bigger problems.

Also, the documentation at is *really good* and
covers just what you're asking about layout.

On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 4:51 AM, Bo Berglund <> wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Nov 2017 12:21:51 -0500, Bo Berglund
> <> wrote:
>>CVS(NT) migration
>>I thought I could do that on my Windows 7 X64 PC by using a copy of
>>the actual repository files and using cvs2svn as the tool.
>>I already have ActiveState Python 2.7.1 installed.

Stop *right there*. I'm afraid you're going to hurt yourself.

I very strongly encourage you not to install cvs and subversion and
Python as a set of separate components and pray that they work well
together. Instead, install CygWin, select cvs2svn and cvs and
subversion as installed components, and avoid potential conflicts
between tools that are not necessarily tested in concert with each
other. If you need to use the CVSNT version of cvs.exe, so be it. But
avoid adding possible version confusion with Subversion and Python and

>>So I would create one dump file per CVS repository and then later
>>import those into the SVN server.
>>Now I have read up a lot on the svn help pages and found that I need
>>to use the config file option for cvs2svn in order to specify all the
>>different modules in the CVS repositories I need to convert.
>>It also seems like in order to include the authors of all the
>>revisions of the files I really need the option file so I can map the
>>CVS users to the svn users. And I also need the --use-cvs option.

Why do you need to convert the users? I mean, you *can*.

>>But unfortunately that brought me to a full stop becuase when I looked
>>inside the config file example it turned out that the command line
>>options I had imagined would be listed really are not there, the
>>config file uses completely different options it looks like (or at
>>least different syntax for the same options)...
> I am still looking for a good way to handle this, but now I'm also
> exploring to use an Ubuntu Server 16.04.3LTS box as the final server.
> Unfortunately I cannot use cvs2svn on the Ubuntu box since I must use
> the CVSNT cvs.exe file (Windows) as the repository file parser...

Why? CVS is a well defined format. I fail to see why the /usr/bin/cvs
on the Ubuntu box couldn't parse the repository. Can't you bring a
direct, file system copy of the repository over and at least to a test
run? I agree it could require different optoins.

If you're really stuck on that part: can you install CygWin and pla
with the "cvs2svn" available there?

> The total size of the repository is:
> 8447 Mbytes in 32815 files
> Some of the files (mostly Windows exe binary files) are huge since
> they contain a lot of revisions. The biggset such is 487 Mbytes.
> All in all there are 136 exe files totalling 2.5 GB in size.
> My CVS(NT) system is divided up into several separate CVS repositories
> dealing with separate types of projects which needed separate user
> permissions. So I could in principle run a conversion of each such
> repository individually.

*That* could be a really, really good idea.

> What can I expect in terms of conversion time to the dump files?

Brother, "it depends". When you've got bulky binary files, lots of
them.... I couldn't give you a hard estimate. A couple of days on an
old box?

I'd definitely pick workable lumps of the project and do those one at a time.

> And is there any sample configuration file for cvs2svn that shows the
> proper settings for a case like mine (going from CVSNT on Windows)?
> The config file format really confuses me a lot.
> --
> Bo Berglund
> Developer in Sweden

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