On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 10:53:37 -0500, Mark Phippard <markp...@gmail.com>

>If you want any "features" like being able to view history and see 
>diffs then you need ViewVC or a similar product.  
>These just install alongside and co-exist with SVN, they do not 
>replace the server.

Thanks, I was thinking about getting ViewVC but was afraid it would
break ApacheSvn since svn is using Apache...
Seeing that it installs alongside svn is reassuring.

So I did this:
sudo apt-get install viewvc

And that worked, however I followed a how-to I found on the net which
seems not to work...
Probably too old (I did not notice the 2008 item).

So now I am stuck in the configuration stage.
Then I found this:
and was totally overwhelmed by the complexity of setting this up.

I once installed ViewCVS on Windows servers back about 10 years ago
(for CVS) and it was really not this complex to get running.

I have yet to see anything at all via the Apache web server.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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