On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 9:58 PM, Davor Josipovic <dav...@live.com> wrote:
> Here you go (copy from the link):
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Can someone help me debug this issue? Everything works (i.e. I can commit,
> checkout, etc.) but this one commit always fails as described below. I tried
> checking out in a new repository, and committing, but same issue. Note also
> that this is a very large repository (500GB), and a very large commit (36k
> files totaling 10GB).
> This is the `apache2` error log:
>     [Sat Feb 10 03:25:16.262765 2018] [dav:error] [pid 3339] [client
> X.X.X.X:61908] Could not DELETE /svn/repo/!svn/txn/463-e8.  [500, #0]
>     [Sat Feb 10 03:25:16.265881 2018] [dav:error] [pid 3339] [client
> X.X.X.X:61908] could not abort transaction.  [500, #2]
>     [Sat Feb 10 03:25:16.265905 2018] [dav:error] [pid 3339] [client
> X.X.X.X:61908] Transaction '463-e8' cleanup failed  [500, #2]
>     [Sat Feb 10 03:25:16.265923 2018] [dav:error] [pid 3339] [client
> X.X.X.X:61908] Can't remove
> '/mnt/vc/svn/repo/db/transactions/463-e8.txn/node._ji.0'  [500, #2]
>     [Sat Feb 10 03:25:16.265940 2018] [dav:error] [pid 3339] [client
> X.X.X.X:61908] Can't remove file
> '/mnt/vc/svn/repo/db/transactions/463-e8.txn/node._ji.0': No such file or
> directory  [500, #2]
>     [Sat Feb 10 03:25:30.640591 2018] [dav:error] [pid 2966] [client
> X.X.X.X:61712] Could not MERGE resource "/svn/repo/!svn/txn/463-e8" into
> "/svn/repo/repofolder".  [500, #0]
>     [Sat Feb 10 03:25:30.642889 2018] [dav:error] [pid 2966] [client
> X.X.X.X:61712] An error occurred while committing the transaction.  [500,
> #160014]
>     [Sat Feb 10 03:25:30.643003 2018] [dav:error] [pid 2966] [client
> X.X.X.X:61712] Reference to non-existent node '_1bqk.0.t463-e8' in
> filesystem '/mnt/vc/svn/repo/db'  [500, #160014]
> The client side gives:
>     done
>     Committing transaction...
>     svn: E175012: Commit failed (details follow):
>     svn: E175012: Connection timed out
>     svn: E200042: Additional errors:
>     svn: E175002: Unexpected server error 500 'Internal Server Error' on
> '/svn/repo/!svn/txn/463-e8'
> First I thought this was a permission issue. So I did this on the server:
>     su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c "svnadmin rmtxns /mnt/vc/svn/repo/ 463-e8"
>     Transaction '463-e8' removed.
> No error whatsoever. Apache runs as `www-data`. Following permissions are
> set:
>     chown www-data:www-data /mnt/vc -R
>     chmod 0774 /mnt/vc -R
> I have run `svnadmin verify` and found no problems. `dmesg` doesn't show
> anything new.
> The apache svn config is pretty much default.
> KeepAlive On
> MaxKeepAliveRequests 0
> # Set to 10h.
> Timeout 36000
> SVNCompressionLevel 5
> SVNInMemoryCacheSize 16384
> SVNCacheTextDeltas On
> SVNCacheFullTexts On
> SVNAllowBulkUpdates Prefer
>     <Location /svn>
>         DAV svn
>     SVNParentPath /mnt/vc/svn
>     SVNListParentPath On
>     # Allow large request
>     LimitXMLRequestBody 0
>     </Location>
> Extra info:
>     Server: Debian 9.3
>     apache2/stable,stable,now 2.4.25-3+deb9u3 amd64 [installed]
>     libapache2-mod-svn/stable,stable,now 1.9.5-1+deb9u1 amd64 [installed]
>     Server svn client: 1.9.5-1+deb9u1
>     Client: svn 1.9.7
> **EDIT:** I copied the working copy to the repository server. Then I tried
> to commit, but had the same error. I then relocated the working copy to
> direct repository location: `svn relocate file:///mnt/vc/svn/repo`. Commit
> worked this time. So it has to do something with `dav_svn`?

I must say I don't immediately have an idea why this fails with
mod_dav_svn, and not with file:///.

I did compare with httpd.conf settings we have set on our server (but
I must say we never had such large commits). These are our relevant

MaxKeepAliveRequests 20000
KeepAliveTimeout 60
LimitXMLRequestBody 0
MaxMemFree 16384

SVNInMemoryCacheSize 131072
SVNCacheFullTexts off
SVNCacheTextDeltas on

Maybe you can experiment with some of these settings to see if it
makes a difference?


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