Davor Josipovic <dav...@live.com> writes:

> You make the PID sound very important, and with good reason too! I
> just went back through the logs to make sure that I didn't mess up the
> PID before posting. I didn't. In each case, the PID was
> different. This might explain the time difference.

The Subversion client can make multiple http connections, particularly
when a commit involves a large number of files.  It is not unusual for
multiple PIDs to handle the requests for any one commit.

> I'll look further into this later. The default Debian apache2 install
> came with mpm_event enabled. According to my logs I switched to
> mpm_prefork later (due to performance reasons recommended for an other
> module).

Prefork is typically the lowest performace for Subversion.  Subversion
server performance will generally be better with a small number of
processes each with a large number of threads as this allows you to
increase the size of the per-process Subversion cache.


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