On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 8:54 AM Bo Berglund <bo.bergl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> On Feb 27, 2019, at 5:24 PM, Bo Berglund <bo.bergl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I am running svn on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS.
> >>> It reports the following:
> >>> $ svn --version
> >>> svn, version 1.9.3 (r1718519)
> >>>  compiled Aug 10 2017, 16:59:15 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
> >>>
> >>> The Ubuntu machine acts as a backup for a Windows 16 based VisualSvn
> >>> server running at a separate location.
> >>> Backups are performed using nightly svnsync commands via the Internet.
> >>>
> >>> The Ubuntu machine and svn were setup for this purpose about a year
> >>> ago and since then Ubuntu has been kept updated using apt upgrade and
> >>> apt dist-upgrade as adviced on the login screen when I regularly check
> >>> in via PuTTY.
> >>>
> >>> But it seems like svn is not being touched by these operations....
> >>>
> >>> So what is the advice on what to do in order to at least get to the
> >>> latest 1.9 stable release of svn on this machine?
> >>> It seems like that would be 1.9.10...
> >>>
> >>> Since this is a production backup server I am reluctant to risk
> >>> breaking it, obviously.
> >>
> >> More questions after some extensive googling:
> >>
> >> On terminal (PuTTY) login this headless server machine displays:
> >>
> >> New release '18.04.2 LTS' available.
> >> Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
> >>
> >> Since the svn I use is from the Xenial repository (for Ubuntu 16.04
> >> LTS) maybe there will never be a later svn version there?
> >>
> >> If so is it safe to use do-release-upgrade (as suggested on login) to
> >> move from Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS to 18.04.2 LTS instead in order to switch
> >> to a newer ubuntu update repository and therefore get subversion
> >> upgradeable to later versions?
> >>
> >> Will I risk damaging the svn installation or repository data by doing
> >> so?
> >> Or do I have any other option?
> >
> >Is this a client or a server?
> >
> >If the client then generally it is very safe to do. The only question
> might
> >be if you are using any other SVN clients besides the command line that
> are
> >using the SVN libraries. Even then it is generally very safe but worth
> knowing
> >more details.
> >
> >If it is a server it is also fairly safe. The main concern would be the
> Apache
> >server version change from the upgrade and whether the Apache conf needed
> to be
> >adjusted.
> >
> >Mark
> >
> It is a server.
> Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS headless installation.
> Its purpose is as a backup for the main server through nightly svnsync.

If you are only running svnsync from this server there should be no issue
in letting it upgrade the Subversion package along with the OS distribution.

If you are also running the Apache SVN server, I would not expect any
issues but after the upgrade you might just want to review that it is still
working as expected and perhaps be prepared to review the Apache conf.  I
doubt there are any major Apache changes to be concerned about though.


Mark Phippard

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