>>>Is this a client or a server?
>> It is a server.
>>Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS headless installation.
>>Its purpose is as a backup for the main server through nightly svnsync.
>If you are only running svnsync from this server there should be no issue 
>in letting it upgrade the Subversion package along with the OS distribution.
>If you are also running the Apache SVN server, I would not expect any issues 
>but after the upgrade you might just want to review that it is still working 
>as expected and perhaps be prepared to review the Apache conf.  I doubt there 
>are any major Apache changes to be concerned about though.

OK, thanks.
In fact this server is on the receiving end of a svnsync command started at 
the main SVN server on a Windows Server 16 machine across the Atlantic.
It runs VisualSVN and the backups are triggered in the middle of the night
via a Scheduled Task on Windows.

I guess that if I upgrade the Ubuntu server the svn connection needed for 
will not be destroyed and therefore the sync operations would run OK.
The VisualSVN server will probably also need an update but on Windows that is
a different complexity altogether...

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