Jean-Baptiste DUBOIS wrote on Tue, Mar 09, 2021 at 12:02:51 +0000:
> I have one last question regarding how svn tags are managed internally in 
> fsfs.
> Is svn tag considered as a PLAIN data independant of previous revs or not ?

As far as FSFS is concerned, there's no such thing as a tag.  What FSFS
deals with is a zero-indexed array of interrelated directory trees.

By "tag" people normally refer to a child of a well-known directory;
specifically, to its contents and copyfrom information.  About these:

- The contents of any given file are stored in that file's `Last Changed
  Revision` rev file or in an older rev file.  The latter case is only
  possible when rep-sharing is enabled, which in your case it's not,
  because you use format 2 ("f2").  Watch:
     1  % svn info --show-item=last-changed-revision file://$PWD/iota{0,1}@86
     2  86         file://$PWD/iota0
     3  85         file://$PWD/iota1
     4  % svnlook tree --show-ids -r 86 ./
     5  / <0.0.r86/428>
     6   iota0 <2.0.r86/210>
     7   iota1 <1.0.r85/210>
     8  % xxd -s 210 -l 4096 -p db/revs/85 | xxd -r -p | sed -e '/^$/q' 
     9  id: 1.0.r85/210
    10  type: file
    11  pred: 1.0.r83/111
    12  count: 42
    13  text: 85 0 188 2340 b6cff4dd559998419b5210d8de7c7130
    14  cpath: /iota1
    15  copyroot: 0 /

  iota1@86's node-rev header is in r85 (line 7).  Its rep is also in r85
  (line 13), but in a rep-sharing situation, it might've been in an
  older rev file.

  Line 8 was written for f2.  For a variant supporting f3, f4, and f6, see

  [For the curious, the bug manifesting in that post is #4129.  It was
  finally reproduced the following March:

- The copyfrom information is stored in the node-rev header, so it'll be
  stored in the rev file of the revision the tag was created in.
  Under f2, which doesn't deltify directory reps (see
  SVN_FS_FS__MIN_DELTIFICATION_FORMAT), the node-rev itself will be
  accessible via the API, as discussed upthread.

Finally, note that "data independent of previous revs" and "PLAIN data"
aren't synonyms, since self-deltas are a thing. 



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