Hi, Thanks for your response.

But I'm trying to copy the contents from one directory to another new
directory within one repository itself like below:
svn copy <repo_root>/dir/subdir1  <repo_root>/dir/subdir2

The interesting part is that if I omit the -m option, svn automatically
opens up the editor and waits for the log message. if I put the message
there and close the editor window, it completes the copy operation without
any error. It complains if the message text is supplied on the command line
with -m option.


On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 4:17 PM Thorsten <t...@freigmbh.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> My guess is that you are trying to copy from one repository into a
> different repository.
> But the svn copy <src url> <dst url> -m 'info message' is designed to
> copy files in the same repo, as the help states:
> URL -> URL:  complete server-side copy;  used to branch and tag
> to copy files from one repo into another try downloading them first and
> then import them using "svn import".
> If you are doing an server side  copy, than your syntax "should" work.
> Best regards,
> Thorsten
> Am 09/06/2021 um 12:25 schrieb Ranajit Ghosh:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to do a SVN copy using URL with the following syntax:
> >
> > svn copy <src url> <dst url> -m 'info message'
> >
> > But I am getting the following error:
> > svn: E205009: Local, non-commit operations do not take a log message
> > or revision properties.
> >
> > I couldn't understand the error message. It seems to be contradictory
> > to the functionality svn copy using url provides. The svn copy using
> > url apparently does a remote copy in the repository with a commit.
> >
> > Could you please shed some light on what the actual issue is? and what
> > would be the solution for this?
> >
> > P.S: I'm using svn, version 1.8.10 (r1615264) on aix 7.1.
> >
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Ranajit
> >
> >

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