
bat programmers always get their punishment...

set admin = muellerp

try to remove the spaces around "=", that  seems to work for me, dont ask me why...

Best regards,

Am 31/08/2021 um 08:59 schrieb Philipp Mueller:

I have a problem with my pre-revprop-change (see attachement). I want to allow changes to the log message, but only for the author himself OR a set admin. This part makes the problems:

    set admin = muellerp
    set AUTHOR=
    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('svnlook author -r %REV% %REPOS%') do
    @set AUTHOR=%%a
    if /I not '%AUTHOR%'=='%user%' if /I not '%user%'=='%admin%' goto

If i just write

    if /I not '%AUTHOR%'=='%user%'goto ERROR_WRONGUSER

everything works perfectly fine, but then the admin can´t make changes.
I also have tried just to write

    if /I not '%user%'=='%admin%' goto ERROR_WRONGUSER

but then it doesn´t work as it should, it prints out the message within ERROR_WRONGUSER. I´ve also tried

    if /I not '%user%'=="muellerp" goto ERROR_WRONGUSER

not even this is working, also I´ve checked the output of %user% is exactly the same as the name, so actually it shouldn´t jump to the ERROR_WRONGUSER.

Can somebody help me, I´m pretty confused.

Thank you and greetings from Germany

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