On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 3:29 PM Rolf Campbell <rolf.campb...@solace.com> wrote:
> Hello Nathan,
> Thank you for the reply.
> I assure you that it was not related to disk space.  I tried it on 3 
> different computers using 2 different versions of SVN.
> I tried to create a reproduction script and instead I caused the svn client 
> to crash.
> Here is my script:
> svnadmin create test
> svn checkout file://$PWD/test test.1
> cd test.1
> svn mkdir ^/trunk -m ""
> svn mkdir ^/branches -m ""
> touch a
> svn add a
> svn commit -m ""
> svn cp ^/trunk ^/branches/b -m ""
> svn mkdir ^/trunk/c -m ""
> svn mkdir ^/trunk/c/d -m ""
> svn mkdir ^/branches/b/c -m ""
> svn mkdir ^/branches/b/c/e -m ""
> cd ..
> svn co file://$PWD/test/branches/b
> cd b
> svn merge ^/trunk .
> And here is the output when I try it (multiple times):
> --- Merging r4 through r8 into '.':
>    C c
>    A c/d
> --- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r4 through r8 into '.':
>  U   .
> Summary of conflicts:
>   Tree conflicts: 1
> Searching tree conflict details for 'c' in repository:
> Checking r5... done
> Tree conflict on 'c':
> A new directory appeared during merge of
> '^/trunk/c:4-8'.
> It was added by rcampbell in r5.
> A directory which already occupies this path was found in the working copy.
> Select: (p) Postpone, (r) Mark as resolved, (i) Ignore incoming addition,
>         (m) Merge the directories,
>         (R) Delete my directory and replace it with incoming directory,
>         (M) Replace and merge, (h) Help, (q) Quit resolution: m
> svn: E235000: In file 'subversion/libsvn_wc/adm_ops.c' line 384: assertion 
> failed (!copyfrom_url || (svn_uri_is_canonical(copyfrom_url, scratch_pool) && 
> SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(copyfrom_rev)))
> Aborted (core dumped)

Thank you for this reproduction script. This is extremely helpful! I
can confirm this reproduces the above error for me exactly. I tested
with 1.10.6, 1.14.1, and an unreleased build of trunk. In all three,
the assertion failure occurs on the same line 384. I'll try to figure
out where the code is taking a wrong turn. In the meantime, if you do
succeed in reproducing the original issue, please do let us know!


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