> What does the "folder with files" contain?

Just a random files on my computer ;) It’s not from working copy or repository 
or anything else meaningful. Let’s assume that it’s just a bunch of random 
files which I want to put in the middle of repo and hope that it won’t blow up 
;) Is that possible?

Dmitry Minsky

> On 28.06.2022, at 15:14, Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> wrote:
> Dmitry Minsky wrote on Tue, 28 Jun 2022 11:01 +00:00:
>> Ok. I’m pretty sure that db/revs/7/7449 is just truncated. Since there 
>> aren’t any signs of any text readable data at the bottom of the file 
>> and the top of file looks similar to 7448, 7450 and to any other 
>> revision. 
>> So, let’s say I’m 85.23% sure about content of this particular 
>> revision. How can I recreate revision from folder with files? This rev 
>> contains only add-dir and add-file changes. 
> What does the "folder with files" contain?
> Is it a working copy?  A repository?  An export?  None of the above?
> Does it contain exactly the files and directories added in r7449 *as
> they were in that revision*, and nothing else?

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