On 12/13/2022 6:29 AM, Byles Bernard via users wrote:
I've been looking on the server itself and I can see a directory D:\SVN\ which 
has many folders inside but within all these different folders is:


So this looks to be their working copy's as you mentioned.

Nope, that's a repository.

I was unable to locate any of the binaries or services you mentioned "svnserve.exe" or 
"svn.exe" in C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin. So this looks as though it is just a 
client install on the Windows 2008 Server rather than SVN server capabilities.

Although I can see a directory D:\scripts\Repos which does have the same folder 
structure as D:\SVN but with some scripts/batch files inside.

That directory might be the hook scripts to be called by the server when, for example, files are checked in.

The repository might be served by a web server. Does this server run Apache or IIS? Look for configuration there that would be serving the \svn directory. Apache requires the mod_dav_svn module to do that. I don't know how IIS serves a repo, or if that's possible.

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