
I set up a combined svn server / web server where the latter displays
contents taken directly from one of the repositories. It runs fine but
I would like to make it work a bit more efficiently.

At the moment it works like this:
1) Both the svn repository and one checkout of it in "/example" are
hosted on the same machine
2) the svn repository folder  is monitored for changes by an incron job
3) when a file modification is made to the repository (by a commit for
instance), incron triggers svn update /example
4) the webserver points to /example and displays /example/index.html

My two questions are the following
a) can I avoid the checkout altogheter and save disk space? I.e.can I
configure the svn server so that I could take html pages and related
images directly from the HEAD revision?
b) If not, I would like to improve step 3). At the moment svn update
is called tens of times for each commit (any kind of modification
triggers it as I am looking at the whole folder). What would be a good
file to monitor with incron in the repository that will always be
modified by a new commit?

Thanks for your attention,
Asa Marco <marcoas...@gmail.com> 朝

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