On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 4:51 PM Johan Corveleyn <jcor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 2:21 PM Magnus Lyrberg
> <magnus.lyrb...@elk-studios.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello.
> >
> > I'm not subscribed so please CC me in any response.
> >
> > Is there some other way besides making a bunch of dummy commits
> > to reach our current revision number in a new repository?
> Maybe you can give svndumpfilter [1] a try to filter out the "cruft"
> (after creating a dump file from the original repository). It has
> options like:
>     --drop-empty-revs
>     If the current filtering invocation causes any revision to be
> empty (i.e., the revision causes no change to the repository), removes
> these revisions from the final dump file.
>     --renumber-revs
>     Renumbers revisions that remain after filtering.
> which seems to indicate that by default (not using these options) it
> will keep the original revision numbering (even if you filter out
> entire revisions so they become empty).
> You'll have to create a dump file first, by using 'svnadmin dump' if
> you have file access to the repo, or 'svnrdump dump' if you only have
> remote access. Then svndumpfilter it, and 'svnadmin load' it into a
> new repository. Maybe first try it with a small test sample to see if
> it works as expected.

Unfortunately 'svnadmin load' ignores the revision information in the dump
file. If the new repository is empty it will start with revision 1
regardless of
what the dump file says.

I made a quick test to verify this:

svnadmin load /var/svn/repo2 < partial_dump.dump
<<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 7
     * adding path : test.txt ... done.

------- Committed new rev 1 (loaded from original rev 7) >>>

<<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 8
     * editing path : test.txt ... done.

------- Committed new rev 2 (loaded from original rev 8) >>>

I want to achieve the new repository ending up at revision 8 (or even slightly
above 8), where my old repository was. But as not all revisions are in the
dump file it ended up on revision 2.

Best regards
Magnus Lyrberg

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