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JavaOne ending was my main hold off on doing anything further on this
subject, but as attendees start migrating back, I'll comment a bit here:

(and if you can't take tongue and cheek, delete and move on)

Steve Motola wrote:
> javaone tapering off, waited to reply to this thread.  was great to meet up 
> with
> howard and chris nelson and meet tapestry devs scattered amongst the masses.
> .02 on the logos:
> i had also proposed a logo contest when howard first introduced the new logo
> designs and made my comments then.  i thought it would be great to have more
> community participation in the same vein as open source.  since then i have
> some second thoughts about this in part because:
Not me... I've only managed that one thought - been a really slow week
in the 'thought department'. :-)

> 1.  a contest can be more work than just creating a logo.
Hmm... well... true:
  1. Define requirements for a logo
  2. Sit back and wait while logos are submitted
  3. Vote [see 'informal' comment below]
> 2.  as i speak with more professional designers they are put off by the idea 
> of
> a contest in that it is doing work 'on spec' and no one worth their weight
> really does that in the design world.  they are not as invested in the open
> sourceyness of it all.
*whew* This takes a load off - Barry! You're not worth your weight!
(Barry's a good designer, but a bit hefty) *making note that Barry gets
paid too much*
I've truly not noticed this at all. When given requirements, designers
can be just like us normal people <insert laugh here> and do things just
cuz they enjoy them. Then again - no one said a company couldn't submit
logos for inclusion either.

> 3.  could be a good if we use it for some outside marketing, but otherwise can
> result in 'too many cooks in the kitchen'.
Not at all - not a case of "too many cooks in the kitchen" - a case of
"many cooks in their own kitchen, we just vote to see what we're eating"

> that said, i willing to put up and help manage a contest site if desired.
"contest site" not required [see next comment - yep... it's coming...]
> otherwise i am also having some folk put together some comps and will present
> them to the list.  perhaps this is our informal way of having a 'contest', if
> more and more people can contribute comps via the list.
Informal comment: http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo/LogoContest - simple.
Been done and worked out pretty well. Make the rules, let logos be
submitted, wait appropriate amount of time (as designated in 'rules') -
and vote (although people are free to vote and change their vote at any
time up until voting is 'done'). The process works if it's used. Not
saying it's the only process - just that there's one that's been used
and it worked.
> in regards to the feather and apache - agree that feather is not necessary and
> clutter, we can have versions that can include it, but otherwise tap logo
> really needs it's own distinction.

Feather. No feather. Can look good with. Can look good without. To each
his logo. I wouldn't discount one with - or without.

Those are my *counting change*... *recounting*... .01 *grumbling about
that stupid penny*
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