JavaScript is the new Applet, I think.

Actually javaScript might well become the new J2EE. Consider phobos and all
those agile message passing js frameworks collapsing the programming
distinction between client and server.

I'm not sure I'm all for it, but I'm completely floored by the general idea,
a little bit like the utter SoW of a John C Wright book or something.


On 5/21/06, Konstantin Ignatyev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And Swing can support any kind of layout managers but I have found
GridBagLayout to be very flexible and good for nearly everything I do with

Therefore I think it does not make sense to try (re)creating Swing in
browsers. Applets is what we really need :).

Norbert S�ndor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:The good thing in GWT is to
use the efficient development style of Swing
(I mean Java only, easy to debug/test) but allow to use the underlying
browser's HTML+CSS capatibilites for layout.

Konstantin Ignatyev

PS: If this is a typical day on planet earth, humans will add fifteen
million tons of carbon to the atmosphere, destroy 115 square miles of
tropical rainforest, create seventy-two miles of desert, eliminate between
forty to one hundred species, erode seventy-one million tons of topsoil, add
2,700 tons of CFCs to the stratosphere, and increase their population by

Bowers, C.A.  The Culture of Denial:  Why the Environmental Movement Needs
a Strategy for Reforming Universities and Public Schools.  New York:  State
University of New York Press, 1997: (4) (5) (p.206)

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