Hi John, I faced the same issue and opted to create my own version of the TapestryApplicationPortlet class so instead of creating a registry per portlet instance it creates one per type of portlet (where I'm using portletConfig.getPortletName() to distinguish type) so all portlet instances of the same portlet type use the same cached registry...


John Singleton wrote:
I'm evaluating Tapestry, and facelets, for use in a Portlet based project. We
need to migrate an exsiting Servlet/JSP based application to Portlets.

Currently I'm leaning towards Tapestry, from a coding standpoint it seems much
cleaner to me. The only problem is the initial overhead when adding a portlet to
a page. I understand this is because creating the per Portlet instance of the
Hivemind registry takes some time. My simple test portlet written in facelets
adds to the page in about a second, but the tapestry version takes about 10. The
customer probably won't stand for this.

Is there anything I can do to reduce this initial hit? Is this something being
addressed in 4.1 ?



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