On 03. Jun 2006 - 10:54:22, James Carman wrote:
| Well, you can just download the war file if you want...
| www.carmanconsulting.com/mvn/com/carmanconsulting/tapernate-example/0.1
| Just unzip that and it will contain all dependencies you need. 

Thanks a lot, that's what I wanted! :-)

Without having testet it just two short questions
(as I know the different Tapernate hivemodule.xml files quite well
in the meanwhile *g):

1) Is the <contribution configuration-id="DataClasses"> not needed anymore?

2) Are the
 <interceptor service-id="spring.transaction.TransactionInterceptor">
        <method name="find*" attribute="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly"/>
        <method name="insert*" attribute="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED"/>
        <method name="update*" attribute="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED"/>
        <method name="delete*" attribute="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED"/>
        <method name="get*" attribute="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly"/>
not needed or not available anymore?

Thanks and kind regards,

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