I haven't tried this with dropdowns, but this is what I use for
linksubmits. It has some caveats though:  It has to be used within a
form named Form0 and it doesn't work with directLinks (I think)...
It'd be nice if someone could help a brother out to fix the Form0
thing and put it on tassel...

<span jwcid="@Script" script="submitPersistence.script"/>
<input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" id="ScrollY" value="ognl:y"/>

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE component-specification PUBLIC
 "-//Apache Software Foundation//Tapestry Specification 3.0//EN"
<component-specification allow-body="no" allow-informal-parameters="no">
   <property-specification name="y" type="int" persistent="yes"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//Tapestry
Script Specification 3.0//EN"

        function saveScrollY() {                
                if (document.documentElement )
                        document.Form0.ScrollY.value = 
                else if (document.body)
                        document.Form0.ScrollY.value = document.body.scrollTop
                        document.Form0.ScrollY.value = 
        function clearScrollY() {                               
                        document.Form0.ScrollY.value = 0;
        function resetScrollPosition() {
                var  hidy;
                hidy = document.Form0.ScrollY;  
                if (typeof hidy != 'undefined') {
                        window.scrollTo(0, hidy.value);

So to use it, I do:

<form jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  listener="ognl:listeners.submitListener" >
<span jwcid="@submitPersistence"  />
<a jwcid="@LinkSubmit"  onClick="saveScrollY();"
selected="ognl:moveDownItem" tag="ognl:currentStep" > move down </a>


On 7/6/06, James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know how to get Tapestry to "stay put" on a screen when you
submit the form and reshow it?  I have a form that is somewhat long.  When I
use an event (like selecting something in a drop-down box) that forces a
form submit to refresh some other parts of the screen, the screen goes back
up to the top.  I would like it to just stay where it is (somewhere near the
originating drop-down).  Any ideas?


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