I think a CMS component library is a very good idea. I'm searching something
like it.
I'm trying Stitches, but I'm having some problems building and deploying


a common CMS component library would be a very nice feature/add-on:
- not re-invent the wheel
- growing market need
- Tapestry will 'sell' more/better
- ...

I'm interested in contributing/developing on this topic!


-----Original Message-----
From: Simeon Koptelov [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: maandag 10 juli 2006 7:30
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: CMS Integration

Oh, if you're interested in it, I can give my code for JCR integration as
base :)

2006/7/9, Lutz Hühnken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I haven't really looked at it, but I was wondering... as far as I
> understand, you'd like to integrate CMS-managed content into a
> Tapestry-based site.
> You mention Magnolia... afaik, Magnolia uses a JSR 170 compliant
> content repository, such as Apache Jackrabbit
> ("http://jackrabbit.apache.org/";), to store the content.
> It provides a number of JSP tags to access that content from within
> your page templates
> ("http://magnolia.sourceforge.net/30/taglib/intro.html";).
> It seems getting content out of Jackrabbit is not all that hard. So
> here's my idea: Why don't we start a project to build some Tapestry
> components to access content repositories that conform with JSR 170? A
> possible approach could be to re-implement the Magnolia JSP taglib, or
> parts of it, as Tapestry components. Or maybe Stitches could be used
> as a starting point.
> This way, I would think, you could use any JSR 170 compliant CMS to
> manage your content, and could integrate the content in a Tapestry
> based site using this new component library.
> What do people think? Is that realistic? Would it work? Would such a
> component library be of interest to anyone?
> Lutz
> On 7/1/06, Mike Grundvig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has anyone integrated any sort of CMS tool with Tapestry? I've looked
> into
> > Magnolia and several others, but all seem to require an uphill battle
> > they are to be tied into Tapestry and I was wondering if someone else
> has
> > already done this. Thanks!
> >
> > Michael Grundvig
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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