Valdemaras Repšys wrote:
i need my application to send emails with the link to the specific tapestry
page. How would i generate a link?

I tried extending a page with IExternalPage and using the address:
What i get is RuntimeException: No engine service named 'external/HitList'
is available.

Link (as in ExternalService API doc):
http://localhost:8080/BioJazz/app?service=external&context=HitList gives a
null pointer exception:

  - org.apache.hivemind.util.Defense.notNull(
- org.apache.tapestry.engine.RequestCycle.getPage(

  - org.apache.tapestry.engine.ExternalService.service(
  - $IEngineService_10c8121ee8c.service($

Any hint?
Valdemaras Repšys

Do not form links manually, use "" service ( in your case ).
First inject it into your page with something like:
<inject property="externalService" object="" /> in your page file.
Be sure that you have a externalService property getter like:
public abstract IEngineService getExternalService();
Then, when you need to generate link, just use "org.apache.tapestry.engine.ExternalServiceParameter" to generate your page parameters ( name and Object[] ) and call getExternalService().getLink( your parameter object ). This will return ILink object and you will be able to call getAbsoluteURL on it, which will return required Link as a string.
On the page you can probably put it using @Any component, like:
<a jwcid="@Any" href="yourLink">go go go</a>

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