You're on the right track by using an External link. Make sure your page 
implements IExternalPage. 

We do something similar with one page that we wanted to be "bookmarkable" and 
the URL Format is quite similar to what you're trying.  

You'll still have to workaround problems of interdependency between apps if the 
URL format changes on a different version of Tapestry, and this doesn't account 
for authentication/security measures, but it's a start.


-----Original Message-----
From: Valdemaras Repšys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:27 AM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: external link to a tapestry page

Thanks for the answer, Aleksej.

The problem is, this URL must be generated on a java thread (or class) that
is not an instance of BasePage and is not a tapestry page. That means i have
no access to ExternalService, right?
Also, I can't use @Any component because this url will be sent as an email
to the user (as a simple text).

Valdemaras Repšys

On 7/18/06, Aleksej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Valdemaras Repšys wrote:
> > Hi,
> > i need my application to send emails with the link to the specific
> > tapestry
> > page. How would i generate a link?
> >
> > I tried extending a page with IExternalPage and using the address:
> > http://localhost:8080/BioJazz/app?service=external/HitList
> > What i get is RuntimeException: No engine service named
> > 'external/HitList'
> > is available.
> >
> > Link (as in ExternalService API doc):
> > http://localhost:8080/BioJazz/app?service=external&context=HitList
> > gives a
> > null pointer exception:
> >
> >   - org.apache.hivemind.util.Defense.notNull(
> >   -
> > org.apache.tapestry.engine.RequestCycle.getPage(
> >
> >   - org.apache.tapestry.engine.ExternalService.service(
> >
> >   -
> $IEngineService_10c8121ee8c.service($
> >
> >
> > Any hint?
> > Thanks,
> > Valdemaras Repšys
> >
> Do not form links manually, use "" service (
> in your case ).
> First inject it into your page with something like:
> <inject property="externalService"
> object="" /> in your page file.
> Be sure that you have a externalService property getter like:
> public abstract IEngineService getExternalService();
> Then, when you need to generate link, just use
> "org.apache.tapestry.engine.ExternalServiceParameter"
> to generate your page parameters ( name and Object[] ) and call
> getExternalService().getLink(  your parameter object ).
> This will return ILink object and you will be able to call
> getAbsoluteURL on it, which will return required Link as a string.
> On the page you can probably put it using @Any component, like:
> <a jwcid="@Any" href="yourLink">go go go</a>
> -------------
> GL
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