Answers inlined.

On 7/20/06, Dan Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The stuff in 4.1 looks neat but I have a couple questions about
transitioning. I apologize if these have already been answered.

- Does it effect your ability to test with htmlunit? We use this a *ton*
and testibility is a big issue. Can you test with javascript off and
have pages still work normally?

Last time I checked htmlunit wasn't capable of processing dojo. Don't know
if they've improved their API since.

You can test with javascript off and have pages work as much normally as
they do now I think.

- We probably won't be using the ajax stuff very much, at least not for
a while. Can you use 4.1 without it getting in the way?

Yep. None of the ajax stuff is "on" by default unless you explicitly use it,
or use a new component based on it.

- Are there ton's of API changes? How easy is the switch?

There are a few api changes of course. The biggest items that people will
notice are:

-) All api's marked as being deprecated /removed by 4.1 have been removed.
(At least as many as I've found so far). That means no more
(unless you've injected them in with the same property name by coincidence).
No more ActionService/ActionLink. Probably a lot of others I've forgotten.
You'll know what you're up against if you turn on deprecated warnings for
your project in eclipse before doing an upgrade. :)

-) The old javascript form logic has been changed, with one major "breaking"
change. Anything that accessed the client side form objects via<foo>
won't exist anymore. There are replacement functions to do the same things
but those don't exist. The global Tapestry.<do foo> functions do still exist
(but have been marked as deprecated) .

I'm not sure how easy the switch is. Other than the items mentioned there
shouldn't be too many visible changes that people will notice. It should
still be considered very unstable for a while though. (at least until more
people use it and expose any issues)

Dan Adams
Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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Jesse Kuhnert
Tacos/Tapestry, team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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