It is actually very easy.
Download tapestry-spring.jar from Javaforge. Put the jar in your web app classpath, then you can inject Spring beans into your page like this :

    public abstract MyBeanType getMyBean();

(that is if you use annotations)
Further detailed explanations on Spring site (check the spring 2.0 documentation, which also applies to Spring 1.2.x in the case of Tapestry integration)


Anders Cessner wrote :
Hi all,

I just started on a project that uses spring with spring web mvc, hibernate
and acegi, but now wants to move from spring mvc to tapestry 4.

I tried to merge the contents of AcegiSpringJava5 on wiki to the project,
but obviously  due to earlier configurations of acegi  i just get 2 pages
with a page link from one to other, with no security. I have to look at that later when i see the guy who configured acegi (my knowledge of acegi is near

But what i really need to get everything going, is to know how to integrate
tapestry to spring. I also tried taking out the tapestry-spring out from
javaforge with maven2 but all i got was this App class with println
helloworld? not much help. Is there some kind of a trick to get something
useful out from there? (all beans are singletons so there shouldnt be a
problem with this solution)

I´ve browsed through some of the mails sent to this mailing list earlier and
have learned some tricks to keep those lazy load exceptions away, for
example, but didnt really get how exactly do i configure tapestry and spring
so i can inject the spring beans to tapestry page objects?

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