In an application I am currently working on (tapestry 4.0) we use extensivley dojo widgets and a custom ajax render cycle.

Usually the Ajax responses are rendered by a special renderer which wrapps components renders inside a kind of xml-rpc. This is parsed by java scripts and performs different actions:

It looks something like:

<action do="replaceRow"><tr hash="..." dojoType="..."><td>...
and so on.

The nice thing is, the widget that sends the request handles the response, so one can call from inside tapestry methods on the widgets, passing component render-results as parameters.

Now as far as I understand from the docu, tapestry 4.1 contains one very important method for ajax response: ResponseBuilder.updateComponent(...)

this will end in a replace-by-id, which is quite trivial - but what is the tap4.1 way of doing other things like openning a dojo dialog, changing status of existing widgets (and thus the under- or overlying html) and so on? Do I have to write javascript templates for all of those actions?

As far as can remember from tacos, the ajax response was also a sort of xml-rpc, handled by the tacos JS library. I would guess it was "imported" into tap4.1 - is there an overview of this somewhere? (how the response should look like ...) - more under the hood as in the existing docu?

Thanx for reading that long ;)


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