The problem is that there are another links that submits the same form, but
I don't want to pop up in these  another links. Just in one.

The case is, I have some Entities, listed by name, with links to edit,
remove e show details (Using AjaxDirectLink, like the flags on Tacos), and a
link called "print", of course, to print, but, when the user click on print
button, I need to present the information in another page, without
decorations, to make the details printable, and perform a kind of print
Preview, removing the Browsers features, (location bar, status, menu and so

With the DirectLink, is perfect, popup the window without the features, but
I can't select the entity, and pass to the page to present the
information... I thought about one solution, by using the entity id on the
link parameter, and use the parameter to retrieve the entity from database
on the listener, and setup the page. But is not a good thing, once I already
have all the entities on the memory...

Thanks for the suggestion


On 8/16/06, Jesse Kuhnert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can change the target of the form temporarily....Something like:

<form onSubmit="" >

Something like that, you'll have to google the details...Just make sure
call IRequestCycle.activate() on the other page to be sure it gets
out to the popup.

On 8/16/06, Mael Caldas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I need to submit a form clicking on a link on the selected entity, pass
> the
> selected entity to a page, and present this page in a popup. So I want
> use a kind of popup LinkSubmit, but I only know how to do a popup link
> with
> DirectLink, using the PopupLinkRenderer...
> Any idea?
> Thanks!
> Mael

Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo/(and a dash of TestNG), team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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