
that worked perfectly, thanks! I just had to change a few things for it to
comply with T4, but unfortunately now I'm faced with another problem,
there's no titles on my stylesheets.

<html jwcid="shell" stylesheets="ognl:{assets.stylesheet1,assets.stylesheet2

<asset name="stylesheet1" path="context:css/style.css" />
<asset name="stylesheet2" path="context:css/template.css" />

gives me:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/fast-store-app/css/style.css"
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="/fast-store-app/css/template.css" />

but I'd like:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="/fast-store-app/css/template.css" title="super"/>

So as I can select them on the fly from my browser's view->use style
setting. If you or anyone else has already figured out how to do this I'd
like to hear how it's done.

Thanks again, Brian.

On 9/1/06, Nick Westgate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Brian.

Hopefully someone using T4 can offer you more help,
but in my current T3 project I do this via ...

Border.jwc - which has a stylesheets parameter:


     <parameter name="stylesheets" type="java.lang.Object"

     <component id="shell" type="Shell">
         <binding name="title" expression="title"/>
         <binding name="stylesheets" expression="stylesheets"/>
         <binding name="doctype">
             'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"'

SomePage.html - which passes the array of stylesheet assets:

<body jwcid="$content$">
<div jwcid="border" stylesheets="ognl:{assets.common, assets.apply}">
... - which defines the css assets:

     <context-asset name="common" path="css/common.css"/>
     <context-asset name="apply" path="css/apply.css"/>


Brian Long wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm afraid I might have dug myself into a hole (again!), but I hope
> my have already encountered this problem and is willing to let me know
of a
> possible solution.
> I'm trying to add multiple stylesheets to my web project, I'm currently
> using a @Shell component to enclose my web pages, this has a single
> stylesheet as per the example on the tapestry website.
> <span jwcid="@Shell" stylesheet="asset:stylesheet" title="MyCorp
> Login">
> I want to add some more, and according to the component description
> a parameter "stylesheets" that will take an array of IAssets, this is
> I'd like to do, the only problem is that my shell in inside a custom
> @Border
> component.
> Soooooo, I have a Border.html and Border.jwc and I have to try and
> an array of IAssets (my list of stylesheets). How do I do this, create a
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated . . .
> /Brian.

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