
I'm currently writing a Tapestry web application using Tapestry 4.0.2 under Tomcat 5.5.18 and JDK 1.5.0_08.

The situation is:

Page 1: Contains "Iframe page 1" and "Iframe page 2" as iframes.
Iframe page 1: Contains "Component 1"
Iframe page 2: Contains "Component 2"

All these pages, iframes and components have been created by me by hand in Java with annotations. Each of the iframe pages render render fine if I ask for their links directly, but when I render "Page 1", strange errors occur. Most of the errors reported seem to be problems with handling annotations on the included components and they state that I have declared the parameters multiple times. That is not the case here, and the exact Tapestry error also tells me that the place of wrong annotation is the same place where it is declared.

An example:

Caused by: ognl.OgnlException: historicCustomerPage
Error: An error occured processing annotation
@org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Parameter(cache=true, defaultValue=, required=true, name=, aliases=) of public abstract java.text.DateFormat tapestry.pages.customer.CustomerComponent.getDateFormat():
Parameter dateFormat has already been declared
(at Annotation @org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Parameter(cache=true, defaultValue=, required=true, name=, aliases=) of public abstract java.text.DateFormat tapestry.pages.customer.CustomerComponent.getDateFormat()). [Annotation @org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Parameter(cache=true, defaultValue=, required=true, name=, aliases=) of public abstract java.text.DateFormat tapestry.pages.customer.CustomerComponent.getDateFormat()]

In my CustomerComponent class, the parameter has been declared with:

    * @return The parameter.
   @Parameter(required = true)
   public abstract DateFormat getDateFormat();

I this is not a lot of information to go by, but my application is quite big and this is what I have narrowed the problem down to. I have a feeling that this might be some sort of concurrency issue within Tapestry, mostly because each of the iframes render fine on their own, and I am almost sure there were no errors at the time we used XML files for page/component specs.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem is and what I do work around it? It's really a show-stopper for me.

Best wishes,
Jan Nielsen

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