Hum, thanks but nope. Didn't work either. I can't get the @For to get
updated. When I nested it inside an @Any, it almost work :). I mean
that because it only the last value inserted in the list is returned.
Even with the list being persisted to the session.

Anyone done this before?


On 9/12/06, Chaitanya Jeerage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
not sure if the same applies to 4.1, but using "action" instead of
"listener" in your form submit should solve the problem of list not
being populated


instead of



On 9/12/06, Vinicius Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well the synchronous submission was fixed after I updated my version :P But
> I still get no updates on my list, event setting it as a persistent
> property. I'm adding values, and they are not being updated. As it is a
> persistent property I was hoping that re-loading the page would set it
> values, but they come blank again.
> Any hint?
> Regards
> On 9/11/06, Vinicius Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi there! I'm trying to get two things to work with Tapestryt 4.1 and
> > Ajax support:
> >
> > 1st a master detail form
> > 2nd a auto populated form from server (I'll explain it better)
> >
> >
> > The first one is pretty easy, but its reloading the entire page, I've
> > checked the list and saw some discussions about it, I tried but it
> > seems not to be working:
> >
> > <html jwcid="@Shell" debugEnabled="true" debugContainerId="dojoDebug"
> > title="AjaxForm" disableCaching="true">
> >         <body jwcid="@Body" >
> >                 <form jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  async="true"
> > updateComponents="ognl:{'userList'}">
> >                         <table>
> >                                 <tr>
> >                                         <td>Name:</td>
> >                                         <td><input type="text" jwcid="
> > value=""/></td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >                                 <tr>
> >                                         <td>Email:</td>
> >                                         <td><input type="text" jwcid="
> > value=""/></td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >                                 <tr>
> >                                         <td>Age:</td>
> >                                         <td><input type="text" jwcid="
> > value="ognl:user.age
> > "/></td>                                                                    
> >                                 <tr>
> >                                         <td colspan="2"><span jwcid="
> > listener="listener:formSubmit"/></td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >                         </table>
> >                 </form>
> >                 <table border=1>
> >                         <tr>
> >                                 <td
> > style="background-color:aqua">Name</td>
> >                                 <td
> > style="background-color:aqua">Email</td>
> >                                 <td style="background-color:aqua">Age</td>
> >                         </tr>
> >                         <span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" source="ognl:users"
> > value="ognl:userDetail">
> >                                 <tr>
> >                                         <td
> > style="background-color:aqua"><span jwcid="@Insert"
> > value=""/></td>
> >                                         <td
> > style="background-color:aqua"><span jwcid="@Insert"
> > value=""/></td>
> >                                         <td
> > style="background-color:aqua"><span jwcid="@Insert"
> > value="ognl:userDetail.age"/></td>
> >                                 </tr>
> >                         </span>
> >                 </table>
> >         </body>
> > </html>
> >
> > public abstract class Home extends BasePage{
> >         @InitialValue("new java.util.ArrayList()")
> >         public abstract List<User> getUsers();
> >         @InitialValue("new com.mgjug.tapestry.model.User()")
> >         public abstract User getUser();
> >         @InitialValue("new com.mgjug.tapestry.model.User()")
> >         public abstract User getUserDetail();
> >
> >         public void formSubmit(IRequestCycle cycle){
> >                 ResponseBuilder builder = cycle.getResponseBuilder();
> >                 getUsers().add(getUser());
> >         }
> >
> > }
> >
> > I'm guessing the problem is withing the submit button that will submit
> > the form, bypassing any javascript.
> >
> > Another question is about the state of my list. Do i need to use a
> > persist model for that? I'm worried about the amount of stuff that
> > will be set on the session, or if not, the number of fetches on the DB
> > will be needed ex:
> > setUsers(dao.getOldValues())
> > getUsers.add(getUser());
> >
> > know what I mean?
> >
> > 2nd is pretty much like this one, but I need a form that will have
> > almost all the fields set to read only. The user enters the id, and
> > clicks on the TAB button, it will fetch the values from the server and
> > populate it and setting all the fields back to editable form.
> >
> > I guess my question here is: how do I interact with local javascript
> > using @EventListener?
> >
> > I'm creating examples with those to use at my company, in a Tapestry
> > 4.1 presentation, as soon as I get it done, would be a pleasure to
> > share with anyone interested.
> >
> > Regards
> >
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