I think the problem is the way that the "For" component renders. You're
trying to update a component named "userList" where:

<span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" source="ognl:users" value="ognl:userDetail">

My guess is the for component is rendering it's body but not it's own tag.
Usually the component's name is placed on the id property on the component's
tag. When the ajax/js logic runs it looks for a tag which id="userList". In
this case it probably can't find "userList" because it's not there, the For
component didn't render it.
Try using wrapping another component around it and naming it "userList".
I guess something like this would work:

<span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
   <tr jwcid="@For" source="ognl:users" value="ognl:userDetail"

-----Original Message-----
From: Vinicius Carvalho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: terça-feira, 12 de setembro de 2006 11:42
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: Asynchronous form submission

Hum, thanks but nope. Didn't work either. I can't get the @For to get
updated. When I nested it inside an @Any, it almost work :). I mean
that because it only the last value inserted in the list is returned.
Even with the list being persisted to the session.

Anyone done this before?


On 9/12/06, Chaitanya Jeerage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> not sure if the same applies to 4.1, but using "action" instead of
> "listener" in your form submit should solve the problem of list not
> being populated
> action="listener:formSubmit"
> instead of
> listener="listener:formSubmit"
> -Chaitanya
> On 9/12/06, Vinicius Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well the synchronous submission was fixed after I updated my version :P
> > I still get no updates on my list, event setting it as a persistent
> > property. I'm adding values, and they are not being updated. As it is a
> > persistent property I was hoping that re-loading the page would set it
> > values, but they come blank again.
> >
> > Any hint?
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > On 9/11/06, Vinicius Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi there! I'm trying to get two things to work with Tapestryt 4.1 and
> > > Ajax support:
> > >
> > > 1st a master detail form
> > > 2nd a auto populated form from server (I'll explain it better)
> > >
> > >
> > > The first one is pretty easy, but its reloading the entire page, I've
> > > checked the list and saw some discussions about it, I tried but it
> > > seems not to be working:
> > >
> > > <html jwcid="@Shell" debugEnabled="true" debugContainerId="dojoDebug"
> > > title="AjaxForm" disableCaching="true">
> > >         <body jwcid="@Body" >
> > >                 <form jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  async="true"
> > > updateComponents="ognl:{'userList'}">
> > >                         <table>
> > >                                 <tr>
> > >                                         <td>Name:</td>
> > >                                         <td><input type="text" jwcid="
> > > value="ognl:user.name"/></td>
> > >                                 </tr>
> > >                                 <tr>
> > >                                         <td>Email:</td>
> > >                                         <td><input type="text" jwcid="
> > > value="ognl:user.email"/></td>
> > >                                 </tr>
> > >                                 <tr>
> > >                                         <td>Age:</td>
> > >                                         <td><input type="text" jwcid="
> > > value="ognl:user.age
> > > "/></td>
> > >                                 <tr>
> > >                                         <td colspan="2"><span jwcid="
> > > listener="listener:formSubmit"/></td>
> > >                                 </tr>
> > >                         </table>
> > >                 </form>
> > >                 <table border=1>
> > >                         <tr>
> > >                                 <td
> > > style="background-color:aqua">Name</td>
> > >                                 <td
> > > style="background-color:aqua">Email</td>
> > >                                 <td
> > >                         </tr>
> > >                         <span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
> > > source="ognl:users"
> > > value="ognl:userDetail">
> > >                                 <tr>
> > >                                         <td
> > > style="background-color:aqua"><span jwcid="@Insert"
> > > value="ognl:userDetail.name"/></td>
> > >                                         <td
> > > style="background-color:aqua"><span jwcid="@Insert"
> > > value="ognl:userDetail.email"/></td>
> > >                                         <td
> > > style="background-color:aqua"><span jwcid="@Insert"
> > > value="ognl:userDetail.age"/></td>
> > >                                 </tr>
> > >                         </span>
> > >                 </table>
> > >         </body>
> > > </html>
> > >
> > > public abstract class Home extends BasePage{
> > >         @InitialValue("new java.util.ArrayList()")
> > >         public abstract List<User> getUsers();
> > >         @InitialValue("new com.mgjug.tapestry.model.User()")
> > >         public abstract User getUser();
> > >         @InitialValue("new com.mgjug.tapestry.model.User()")
> > >         public abstract User getUserDetail();
> > >
> > >         public void formSubmit(IRequestCycle cycle){
> > >                 ResponseBuilder builder = cycle.getResponseBuilder();
> > >                 getUsers().add(getUser());
> > >         }
> > >
> > > }
> > >
> > > I'm guessing the problem is withing the submit button that will submit
> > > the form, bypassing any javascript.
> > >
> > > Another question is about the state of my list. Do i need to use a
> > > persist model for that? I'm worried about the amount of stuff that
> > > will be set on the session, or if not, the number of fetches on the DB
> > > will be needed ex:
> > > setUsers(dao.getOldValues())
> > > getUsers.add(getUser());
> > >
> > > know what I mean?
> > >
> > > 2nd is pretty much like this one, but I need a form that will have
> > > almost all the fields set to read only. The user enters the id, and
> > > clicks on the TAB button, it will fetch the values from the server and
> > > populate it and setting all the fields back to editable form.
> > >
> > > I guess my question here is: how do I interact with local javascript
> > > using @EventListener?
> > >
> > > I'm creating examples with those to use at my company, in a Tapestry
> > > 4.1 presentation, as soon as I get it done, would be a pleasure to
> > > share with anyone interested.
> > >
> > > Regards
> > >
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> >
> >
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