
I wan to to declare a DatePicker component with annotations. I just passed
the component from .page, to java the corresponding java class, but I got a
parse exception, because of the translators bindings...
Here is the code on .page:

 <component id="date" type="DatePicker">
   <binding name="value" value="date"/>
   <binding name="displayName" value="literal:Data"/>
   <binding name="validators" value="validators:required[É necessário uma
   <binding name="translator"
value="translator:date,pattern=dd/MM/yyyy,message=Data Inválida!"/>

And with annotation:

   @Component(id="date", type="DatePicker", bindings= {"value=date,
displayName=literal:Data, validators={validators:required[É necessário uma
data!]}, translator={translator:date,pattern=dd/MM/yyyy,message=Data
   public abstract DatePicker getDateComponent();

Does anybody know a way to declare the component with annotation, and make
some complex bindings like these, without error?

Thank you!

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