First of all, if you want a single manager object, tapestry provides Application State Objects to do this. See for more info. For a single instance of an ASO across an entire application, you set the scope to "application" instead of "session". This is tapestry's preferred way of doing things, but the problem is that (I think) it's lazily initialized.

JMS: Check out spring ( They've had JMS send capabilities for a while now and I've (lightly) used them successfully. Spring 2.0 was released earlier this week and now has Message Driven POJOs (MDPs) - the receiver side of JMS. It sets up a pool of asynchronous receivers for you ( A coworker of mine is starting to play with these and we're optimistic that it'll eliminate our last reason to use an EJB container. If you're using Spring, they provide a servlet filter that you can configure in your web.xml to load the spring context when the app initializes. I know I'm contradicting my first paragraph, but a spring context is also a great place to construct your manager object and JMS config - no worries about lazy initialization here.

Threads are messy and really hard to get right. This isn't specific to servlets, just in general. That's why many people try to avoid them. Personally, I'm more comfortable with a well-tested library to manage threads for me.

Tapestry does a lot of things right, but it sounds like a good chunk of your project is better covered by Spring's problem domain. Fortunately, they play nice together.


Dave Rathnow wrote:
Hi Dennis,

The application we're writing is "bridging" topics across multiple JMS servers. The initialization involves creating and initializing all the necessary JMS objects. Pretty simple, really, which is why we decided to make this our first Tapestry project.

There is a single "manager" object that manages the bridge, which is being managed by the UI. The manger object has to be created at application startup time so I can't rely on any UI events to do this process for me. Right now, I've created my own ApplicationServlet subclass to handle this process. I'm using async message delivery so all the thread creation is being handle by the JMS implementation, except for some
threads I create to handle connection loss events.

I'm curious about handling threads inside a servlet. I know this is a bit off topic but, are there any problems with simply creating your own threads inside a servlet container or is there some magic that has to be done to ensure you don't mess things up? I've heard from a couple of people that there could be problems with
managing your own threads.  Is there any truth to this?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dennis Sinelnikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie question about ApplicationServlet

Hello Dave,

There is 1 instance of ApplicationServlet, with newer releases of tapestry there is less and less things I can think of doing in the ApplicationServlet. You can extend from org.apache.tapestry.ApplicationServlet and create your own (perfectly ok to do). In ApplicationServlet, usually you would do some global configuration settings, resource allocation, fork threads, etc..

Without knowing too much about the application you're trying to develop, you could fork threads in your ApplicationServlet that would do your background processing and just clean them up in destroy(). I would not recommend getting your ApplicationServlet instance, but perhaps develop separate logic that would get triggered via a UI. This logic would do monitoring/control and return response to the user via a UI. If you need some global object or perhaps one of the threads that got forked upon ApplicationServlet startup, consider having a pool of threads that have the same purpose that you can just grab at any point...

Hope this helps,

Dave Rathnow wrote:
I'm new to Tapestry and have just started working with it. My background is WebObjects so
most of my question will come from that perspective.

The application I'm developing will be doing some background processing with the UI providing monitoring and control functions. In WebObjects, we would use an single Application instance that is created when the web application is first started. We would store the objects required to access and control the back ground processing. This Application instance is then available in in each request-response loop through a Session object, or through a global static method.

Is this same model provided by the ApplicationServlet class in Tapestry? Is there a single instance of this object and if so, how can I get it? Is it common practice to subclass this class and
then do all your own application specific logic in the derived class?


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