Hi there --

I just shifted over to Tap 4.1.1 and I was hoping I could get rid of
the use of 'type' in my @Component annotation. But no such luck.

In my application file I indicate that the components are in the
'com.transparentpolitics.web.components' directory (or its
subdirectories). However, Tap doesn't find components that are in
child directories of the 'com ... components' directory. So component
references like this:

 public abstract Navigation getNavigation()

don't work but this does work :

  public abstract Navigation getNavigation()

(Navigation is 'com.transparentpolitics.core.web.components.util.Navigation')
Now I don't understand why Tap can't find the component as the method
call returns the exact component class. Is this just a known temporary
limit? Or would changing this current behavior to look at the actual
class supplied cause problems?

I do know that I can list out each child component directory but that
has its own problem as there are some cases of duplicate class names.
In any case all the information is on that annotated method call.


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