Right... I just looked at his original e-mail and the exception is different than the one he reported later (which I didn't realize before; that's what I get for 1/2 reading e-mails. :).
Apologies if I came across short.


James Carman wrote:

The fact that (from his previous email) Tapestry was saying that it can't
find an "emailAddress" property on the generated page class "BasePage_4"
means that it's not using his Login page class or else the generated page
class name would be something like "Login_x."  So, that leads me to believe
that Tapestry isn't finding his page class.

He may have changed something in the meantime, though.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Zeigler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11:41 AM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: @Component whoas... Tap-4.1.1 help please (thanks)

James Carman wrote:

As I said, Tapestry can't find your page class.  It doesn't know that
Login.html is supposed to use the Login class you've defined.  Have you
it the default package to look for page classes?  Are your templates/page
classes in the right places?

I'm not so sure that's right... looking at the exception, "emailAddress conflicts with a prior declaration". In fact, looking at things more closely... I would agree with tapestry (note: Ken, ignore my first e-mail, or,
at least consider this e-mail in conjunction with that e-mail. :):

Quoting Ken:

"All I want to do is use

   <input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" value="ognl:person.emailAddress"
validators="validators:required" displayName="message:label.emailAddress" />

It looks to me like he's trying to mix "informal" components with "formal" ones. Since he's already defining the "emailAddress" component via an annotation, shouldn't the template be simply:

 <input jwcid="emailAddress" />


You would get the same (or a very similar) exception in tapestry3 if you tried to do something like:

 <component id="emailAddress" type="TextField">

 <input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>

... you've already defined the emailAddress component in your .page spec (or, in this case, via an annotation in the class file),
and you're attempting to redefine it in the template.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ken nashua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11:22 AM
To: users@tapestry.apache.org
Subject: @Component whoas... Tap-4.1.1 help please (thanks)


All I am trying to do is operate a model object Person.getEmailAddress()
from html to java.
Whats the deal with this notation...

@Component(type = "TextField", id = "emailAddress", bindings = {
        "value = ognl:person.emailAddress",
        "displayName = message:label.emailAddress", "validators = required"
public abstract TextField getEmailAddressComponent();
public abstract String getEmailAddress();

I cannot get past it. it keeps yeilding

[ +/- ] Exception: Component emailAddress conflicts with a prior
in the specification (at Annotation @org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Component(inheritInformalParameters=false,

type=TextField, bindings=[value = ognl:person.emailAddress, displayName = message:label.emailAddress, validators = required], id=emailAddress) of public abstract org.apache.tapestry.form.TextField proto.Login.getEmailAddress()).

All I want to do is use

  <input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" value="ognl:person.emailAddress"
validators="validators:required" displayName="message:label.emailAddress" />

If I swap or omit any of the accessor methods it keeps complaining.

Is tap-4.1.1 usable?

Thanks in advance

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