No problem.  I've seen that error many times before (in my own experience
especially).  I've learned to look for BasePage_x when I get those unknown
property things.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Zeigler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 12:57 PM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: @Component whoas... Tap-4.1.1 help please (thanks)

Right... I just looked at his original e-mail and the exception is 
different than
the one he reported later (which I didn't realize before; that's what I 
get for 1/2 reading e-mails. :).
Apologies if I came across short.


James Carman wrote:

>The fact that (from his previous email) Tapestry was saying that it can't
>find an "emailAddress" property on the generated page class "BasePage_4"
>means that it's not using his Login page class or else the generated page
>class name would be something like "Login_x."  So, that leads me to believe
>that Tapestry isn't finding his page class.
>He may have changed something in the meantime, though.  
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert Zeigler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11:41 AM
>To: Tapestry users
>Subject: Re: @Component whoas... Tap-4.1.1 help please (thanks)
>James Carman wrote:
>>As I said, Tapestry can't find your page class.  It doesn't know that
>>Login.html is supposed to use the Login class you've defined.  Have you
>>it the default package to look for page classes?  Are your templates/page
>>classes in the right places?
>I'm not so sure that's right... looking at the exception, "emailAddress 
>conflicts with a prior declaration".
>In fact, looking at things more closely... I would agree with tapestry 
>(note: Ken, ignore my first e-mail, or,
>at least consider this e-mail in conjunction with that e-mail. :):
>Quoting Ken:
>"All I want to do is use
>    <input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" value="ognl:person.emailAddress"
>               validators="validators:required" 
>displayName="message:label.emailAddress" />
>It looks to me like he's trying to mix "informal" components with 
>"formal" ones.
>Since he's already defining the "emailAddress" component via an 
>annotation, shouldn't the template be simply:
>  <input jwcid="emailAddress" />
>You would get the same (or a very similar) exception in tapestry3 if you 
>tried to do something like:
>  <component id="emailAddress" type="TextField">
>     ...
>  </component>
>  <input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>
>... you've already defined the emailAddress component in your .page spec 
>(or, in this case, via an annotation in the class file),
>and you're attempting to redefine it in the template.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Ken nashua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 11:22 AM
>>Subject: @Component whoas... Tap-4.1.1 help please (thanks)
>>All I am trying to do is operate a model object Person.getEmailAddress() 
>>from html to java.
>>Whats the deal with this notation...
>>@Component(type = "TextField", id = "emailAddress", bindings = {
>>      "value = ognl:person.emailAddress",
>>      "displayName = message:label.emailAddress", "validators = required"
>>public abstract TextField getEmailAddressComponent();
>>public abstract String getEmailAddress();
>>I cannot get past it. it keeps yeilding
>>[ +/- ] Exception: Component emailAddress conflicts with a prior
>>in the specification (at Annotation 
>>type=TextField, bindings=[value = ognl:person.emailAddress, displayName = 
>>message:label.emailAddress, validators = required], id=emailAddress) of 
>>public abstract org.apache.tapestry.form.TextField 
>>All I want to do is use
>>   <input jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" value="ognl:person.emailAddress"
>>              validators="validators:required" 
>>displayName="message:label.emailAddress" />
>>If I swap or omit any of the accessor methods it keeps complaining.
>>Is tap-4.1.1 usable?
>>Thanks in advance
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