Well then, this is good news!
One more Tapestry plugin. Thanks Andy!
Been curious about trying current NetBeans that SUN so boasts about latelly
so this just might be the push I needed.
Tell me Andy, couldn't there be a joint effort between IDE Tap plugins
projects so that all shared a common status and funcionallity grator then
the one each one can provide in solo effort? Have you talked to Hugo
(TapIDEA) for instance?

Sorry if I'm getting out of my place instanted the just giving the deserved
thanks, but just trying to make things easier to all of us.

Best regards and once again thanks for your effort.

On 10/30/06, andyhot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just released the first version of nbtapestrysupport
<https://nbtapestrysupport.dev.java.net/> (
https://nbtapestrysupport.dev.java.net/ ).

It provides:

    * Hyperlink support in Tapestry configuration files for class names,
      files and libraries... CTRL+click everywhere!!!
    * Autocomplete in Tapestry configuration files for class names,
      files and others
    * Templates for new Tapestry files

Download the 2 nbms
<https://nbtapestrysupport.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList> (
from https://nbtapestrysupport.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList),
then install the generic module first and then the tapestry module.

Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://andyhot.di.uoa.gr
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / J2EE Consulting

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Pedro Viegas

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