Nevermind, found it 2 minutes after hitting the send button :)


I scraped the for-loop in favor of a hardcoded list of components which does the trick for our needs here. It would have been nicer the way below (and much more flexible) but i could not find a working solution for the problem using this approach.
Now another question came up:
Using an EventListener with an Array of DOM-elements (e.g. @EventListener(elements={"tag_1", "tag_2", ..., "tag_x"}, ...)) is there a way to find out, for which element the listener was activated? I checked BowserEvent and IRequestCycle but found nothing suitable so far...


I'm trying to use Ajax to update the content of a for-loop containing PropertySelections. The template for the table i want to update looks like this:

<form jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" async="ognl:true" updateComponents="ognl:updateComponents">
<tr jwcid="@For" element="tr" source="ognl:dataList" value="ognl:data"> 1) <td jwcid="@PropertySelection" id="ognl:data.testId" model="ognl:testModel" value="ognl:data.test"/> 2) <td jwcid="@PropertySelection" id="ognl:data.resultId" model="ognl:dynamicResultModel" value="ognl:data.result"/> 3) <td jwcid="@PropertySelection" id="ognl:data.targetId" model="ognl:dynamicTargetModel" value=""/>
           <td jwcid="@Any" id="ognl:data.updateBlockId">
<div jwcid="@TextField" id="ognl:data.outputId" value="ognl:data.output"/>

id's are uniquely generated and found correctly inside the generated html-code. onchange EventListeners are given for the property selections. EventListeners are name so it is clear which element has caused the event.
What i'm trying to accomplish is the following:
User changes value of selection 1). This activates EventListener (async=true). This part actually works... that far. Now the PropertyModel of 2) should be changed (note that the table holds more then one line). Changes on 2) have an impact on the selection in 3), changes in 3) manipulate the output-field of the line.

All this is working perfectly outside the for-loop.

The problem now is that my selection-model goes amoc if change one of the properties a second time (numberFormatException in PropertySelection.translateValue(String s), s is actually null). Additionally not only the addressed selections get updated (e.g. changing the first selection in a line should only have an impact on the second and maybe third selection of the same line), but at least too other selections. The Browser shows a Property Selection with another PropertySelection inside instead of the updated selection.

The main problem seems to that i need to address the selections to update uniquely, but how? The data-iterator is firmly on the last value is it is not null already and will be next updated on rewind...

Can anyone help me out here?

thnx in advance,

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