OK, here's a bit of a convoluted solution, but it works.  In my case,
I'm using spring, but you could do the exact same thing within

I've got an object that has some string properties that I want to
configure at run time.  Let's call is CssOverrides.  It can be
populated with a list of strings from the config file (either
applicationContext.xml or hivemodule.xml).

Inject that object into your Header component:

   public abstract CssOverrides getCssOverrides();

Then I've got the following code in my Header component.

   public void finishLoad(IRequestCycle cycle, IPageLoader loader,
                          IComponentSpecification specification)
       super.finishLoad(cycle, loader, specification);

       CssOverrides overrides = getCssOverrides();
       if (overrides!=null && overrides.getCssFileList()!=null) {
           int i = 0;
           additionalStylesheets =
                   new ArrayList<IAsset>(overrides.getCssFileList().size());
           for (String cssFile : overrides.getCssFileList()) {
               if (cssFile==null || cssFile.length()==0) {
               IAsset styleAsset;

               if (PageUtils.isAbsoluteUrl(cssFile)) {
                   styleAsset = new ExternalAsset(cssFile, getLocation());
               } else {
                   if (!cssFile.startsWith("/")) {
                       cssFile = "/" + cssFile; //pathinfo must start with '/'
                   styleAsset = new ContextAsset(
                           new ContextResource(getServletContext(), cssFile),

You've now got a list of IAssets in the additionalStylesheets list,
and you can use them just as you would a normal asset.  In our case,
we've got defaults that specifically uglify the interface and then
override them with the correct values in the production environment.
This makes it readily apparent when you are working on a production
box and when you are on a dev or qa box.


On 11/27/06, andyhot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Srinivas Yermal wrote:
> Thanks guys!
> I think I will just go with the "putting it in html" solution. The only
> problem with this is that it creates two head elements, since I use
> @Shell.


> BTW, I couldnt find import component or annotation. Can you please
> point me
> to any documentation that you have.
> Thanks,
> Srini.
> On 11/27/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We do something similar; you can have your @Border *always* pull in a
>> single stylesheet that has a single line:
>> @import ("http://your.style.server/blah.css";)
>> You host blah.css off Apache (or Tomcat, or whatever) outside of the
>> context of your webapp and change at will.  You can use nested @imports
>> (e.g., blah.css is maybe just a collection of @imports as well).
>> HTH,
>> Tom

Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://andyhot.di.uoa.gr
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / J2EE Consulting

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