It depends on the setup of your wizard, if it a single page iterating over components or a series of tapestry pages following each other - but either way you prevent such problems by persisting flow information in the client, not as cookies but on a page - based in URLs.

You should always keep in mind the information flow and know what is stored where, this will keep you out of such troubles.

For example, you may persist some information as hidden fields in your form. However, you can not do this if you use Autocompleter or other json requests, since they don't submit the form.

In such cases you can use the excelent @Persist("client:page") which will store everything inside URLs, but will not persist across pages: component X with a persistant property on page A and component X - the same component - on page B will not share the data, you will have to activley "transfer" it either in your listener code (submit or direct link) or via an external link.


Robert Breidecker wrote:
I have a stateful Tapestry application which includes
a wizard that steps the user from one page to another
to collect input data.  If I run my application in two
browser windows (or tabs) within the same browser
session, each instance of my application steps on the
session variables in the the other instance.

I noticed that the HTML for each application contained
the same jsessionid.  I turned off cookies for my
application at the server level (Tomcat 5.5) and then
my application worked fine across two browser windows.
The URLs for both instances now include the jsessionid
in them and each jsessionid is different.

Even though this works for me, is this really the way
to solve my problem?  It seems like I must be missing
something in Tapestry that would handle this for me,
regardless if cookies are on or off.

~Rob Breidecker

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