I've been migrating from 3.1 to 4.1, and yes, it's been pretty painful. The 
documentation found at http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry4/ and 
http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry4/UsersGuide/upgrade.html is woefully 
incomplete unless your application is very simple. I've been keeping notes on 
everything I've discovered in my migration efforts, so maybe I could post them 
on the Tapestry Wiki when I'm done.

Robert J. Walker

Marilen Corciovei wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been working on a Tapestry based product started almost 2.5 years
> ago. It's a CMS based product targeted at french cityhalls sites (as
> described here: http://www.nemesisit.ro/clients/case-study ). This was
> build on 3.0 beta and then on 3.0.3. Now it's in production from more
> than one year and they want to begin a new cycle of developments. I want
> to try to impose a migration on the new versions. As this does not seem
> always usefull for non-technical people I am trying first to estimate
> the efforts implied. I have also worked on 4.0 based projects and there
> are some differences. 4.1 seems to finally remove all the deprecated
> stuff in 4.0.
> What are your migration experiences from 3.0 to 4.0 or 4.1. Is there a
> migration directly to 4.1 much too complicated, has anyone did that? The
> project was quite large and on several ocasions I had to overwrite
> components or use some "tricks". One aspect which I want to keep in mind
> is that I did a migration from 2.3 to 3.0 in the past on an equaly large
> project and I ended up with some very non-uniform code. Even if the
> old .page or .jwc component definitions still worked I had no reason not
> to use the @Component in template definitions so the pages are quite
> strange to look on. It's rather obvious where all the new code is. So, I
> would like to avoid having this "diversity" once again.
> Thank you,
> Len
> www.len.ro

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