Actually, I'm not sure that the UserDetailsService is the best option for setting up visit,
(cause the user may not eventually have the correct password) but anyway,
here's how it can be done using hivemind and tapestry-acegi:

<implementation service-id="hivemind.acegi.dao.UserDetailsService">

<invoke-factory service-id="hivemind.BuilderFactory" model="singleton">
          <construct class="my.custom.UserDetailsService">
              <set-service property="userDao" service-id="..."/>
<set-service property="stateManager" service-id="tapestry.state.ApplicationStateManager"/>

and also take a look at

Srinivas Yermal wrote:
Hi Andreas,

Thanks for the response. Does tapestry-acegi automagically fill-in the user
details into the visit object? Or should I do something?

I use spring for my acegi declarations and specify my UserDetailsService in the DaoAuthenticationProvider. You mention ASO. How would I go about doing
it through state objects?


On 1/19/07, andyhot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i've been using tapestry-acegi, so perhaps this might not be helpful in
your case...

so, how are you declaring the UserDetailsService implementation to be
used by acegi ?

If you could inject into hivemind's ApplicationStateManager you would be
able to
access any ASO you'd like.

Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / J2EE Consulting

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