Has anybody already used this solution ?
It's a bit clumsy to me ...
I'm not shure where this code should go ... Is it in a kind of generic page which should then be subclassed by pages that need to send mail ?
And what should the EmailResponseBuilder look like ?
Moreover, i've seen a comment from Jesse Kuhnert on this code about using a Hivemind ResponseDelegateFactory ...

So, i'm a bit puzzled ..........
Any help is welcome


Hugo Palma a écrit :
Have you looked at http://wiki.apache.org/tapestry/SendingHtmlEmailWithTap ?

It describes a way to do that in Tapestry 4.1

Stephane Decleire wrote:

I would like to add a functionnality to our application to send a user his password when he has forgotten it. I would prefer to implement it using a Tapestry page to format a good looking mail. So i need to send the Tapestry page by mail instead of rendering it to the user. I've tried to implement this by using the library "tapestry-email-0.1.0" posted on this list by Henri Dupre but it seems not to work in Tap 4.1.
Has anybody already found a straitforward solution to this ?

Thanks in advance.


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