I got a good start on this, but still missing something fundamental.

In Page.java, I have the Sidebar component.
In Page.html, I pass the component in a parameter
<t:parameter name="sidebar">

In Layout.java I have a sidebar block

private Block _sidebar;

What I can't figure out is how to get the block to render.

Thanks for all of your suggestions so far!

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
If the sidebar really changes for each page, then it can be a Block
parameter to the layout component. This will allow the layout
component to control where, within its templates, the sidebar appears.
Check out the t:parameter documentation.

On 4/10/07, Stephane PAQUET <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just one question, why don't  you use a CSS layout + ASSET in stead
of component (this does not apply to the sidebar).

On Apr 10, 2007, at 8:28 AM, Yann Ramin wrote:

> I'm using T5 to do some experimental testing, creating some mockup
> applications to teach me more about the framework.
> My question is, how do you best handle multi-part layouts?
> For instance, a Layout can be composed of a Body and a Sidebar. The
> Sidebar can be a component.
> My current approach is to have a
> Page.java:
> public Page {
>  @Component
>  private Layout _layout;
>  @Component
>  private Sidebar _sidebar;
> }
> Page.html:
> <t:layout t:id="layout" blah>
> <div id="main">
> fee fi fo fum
> </div>
> <t:sidebar t:id="sidebar" bar="true"/>
> </t:layout>
> This feels suboptimal, as I'm encoding the location of the sidebar
> into each and every page (namely always coming after the main div).
> I'd like to have the Sidebar component in the Layout component, but
> feed this component from the Page to the Layout (as the Sidebar
> component could be different on every page). I.e., <t:layout
> sidebar="sidebar">, but that is a parameter, not a component, so
> afaik won't work like I expect it to (it didn't in testing, but
> could have been anything).
> Any way of accomplishing this? Any better solutions to this
> problem? Am I missing something?
> BTW, T5 is a great framework - having lots of fun with it!
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