I've just developed a Menu build system for jfly that works with ioc, but
I've a problem: dojo-0.4.1 is buggy with MenuBar2. The problem has been
solved in dojo-0.4.2.

Now for the deom app that's on http://www.wingstech.com/JFlyDemo I've forced
into shell the new dojo, but my request is if it's possible to replace
dojo-0.4.1 bundled with Tapestry-4.1.2 with the new version.

If you are interested in jfly code you can get it from svn:
svn co https://tapestry-jfly.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tapestry-jfly/trunkjfly

Currently the following mudules have been developed

EditTable - An ajax editable grid (there is still a small bug with focus)
TopMenu - a menu based on MenuBar2 widget and populated in a IoC way (works
with dojo-0.4.2)
Wizard - a component to easily build wizards


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