Le jeudi 03 mai 2007 à 11:56 -0700, Howard Lewis Ship a écrit :
> I was just thinking about some of this on the way in.
> If you @Inject the ServiceResources into your Tree component, you can ask it
> to generate action links for you.  Handy!

Well, I succeeded in doing something... And Tapestry 5 is just amazing !

Now, I have a Tree component witch take a DefaultMutableTreeNode as
parameter and walk trough it in pre-order order, adding element at each
level swich, and write what I want for each node.

For exemple, if myTree has this structure :
 |- node1
 |    |- node11
 |    `- node12
 |- node2
 `- node3

and it is passed to my component in a template such as this :

<t:tree source="mytree" currentnode="node" levelelement="ul">
    <t:actionlink context="node.toString()">

The rendered html will be :

I'm a total beginner to T5 but that took me not a full day to understand
T5 base principles and code it... Wow. Really, Tapestry 5 is exiting.

Thanks for it, and I can't wait for the final version :)


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