
I would like to shorten the time spent from changing a class file to
actually seeing the change in the browser.

My problem now is that if I set my Tomcat application to reloadable, it
reloads all servlets (including struts, tapestry and more) when I change a
class file. This takes at least 5-10 secs. Then on the first page access to
tapestry, it spends another 5 secs (at least) initializing tapestry,
hivemind, tacos and so on. How can I avoid this reloading and still get
tomcat to pick up the newest version of my class files?

I've seen Howard's demos of Tapestry 5, where he hits reload in the browser
1 sec after a class change, and it loads in the browser within the same
second. How can I achieve this on my system?

I've seen people referring to the following hack on an application with
reloadable="false", but I'm thinking there has to be a simpler way?
- Delete the class file
- Access the page, tomcat throws an exception because of missing class
- Compile the class
- Reload the page, tomcat picks up the new class file

I suppose this is more of a Tomcat question than a Tapestry question, but
it's heavily affecting the productivity of tapestry developers...



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