Actually, the exception goes away on the client side only (No stack
trace dumped to the web page) if I use writer.close().  writer.flush()
dumps the trace to both the console and the web page.


On 5/22/07, Bill Holloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm using an in-place-editor under to edit some text
printed to the browser.  In my page class I have

public String getActionURL ()
                Link inPlaceLink = _resources.createActionLink
("inPlaceEditorSubmit", false, (Object[]) null);
                return inPlaceLink.toURI();

        void onInPlaceEditorSubmit () throws IOException
                String val = _request.getParameter ("value");
                System.out.println ("text is:" + val);
                PrintWriter writer = _response.getPrintWriter ("text/plain");
                writer.print (val);

My page template is

<html xmlns:t="";>

<form t:type="form" t:id="inPlaceForm">

        <p id="editme2">Click me to edit this nice long text.</p>

        <script type="text/javascript">
                new Ajax.InPlaceEditor('editme2', '${actionURL}', 



This all works just fine except that there is an
"IllegalStateException" thrown when I submit the changed field.  It
complains about that the printwriter (I guess) is "Committed".  A
partial stack trace starting at the top is shown below.  I notice that
if I omit the call to writer.flush(), there is no exception, but the
text on the web page does not reflect the changed value -- it reverts
to the initial value before the change -- doubtlessly because without
the flush, the stream never gets back to the client-side response



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"The future is here.  It's just not evenly distributed yet."

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